Jag Ahluwalia
Chief Clinical Officer, Eastern Academic Health Science Network
Trustee, Macmillan Cancer Support
Fellow, Cambridge Judge Business School
Non-Executive Director, Royal Papworth Hospital
Jag has been Chief Clinical Officer at the Eastern Academic Health Science Network (EAHSN) since April 2019, where he provides clinical support and input across a wide range of programmes, leads on clinical governance, supports the EDI programme, and chairs the Innovation Review Panel. Through his EAHSN role, Jag also is a member of the Eastern Regional Clinical Senate and the East of England Medical Directors’ Forum.
Jag chairs the Strategic Projects, the Clinical Ethics, and the Organ Donation Committees at Royal Papworth where he has been a board member since September 2019.
Jag has been on the Board at Macmillan since February 2017, where he chairs Macmillan’s Charitable Expenditure Committee and is a member of their EDI Board.
Previous roles include Executive Medical Director, Co-Chief Operating Officer, and Director of Digital at Cambridge University Hospitals.
Jag practiced as a consultant neonatologist in Cambridge until 2012. He has been Director for neonatology at Cambridge, lead clinician for the Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire neonatal network, and an elected senior officer and Trustee of the British Association of Perinatal Medicine.