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Tony Locock

Tony Locock

Co-Chair, East Midlands, East Midlands Academic Health Science Network PPI Senate
Following a successful Public Sector career, Tony became Lead Governor of an NHS Foundation (Mental Health) Trust and Director of a local MIND charity. The governor's role involved holding the Trust's Non-Executive Directors to account. The Trust subsequently achieved a Care Quality Commission 'outstanding' rating, partly due to a strong Public and Patient Involvement/ Engagement (PPI) strategy with integrated 'Co-Production' arrangements throughout all aspects of Trust activity. In 2018 he became a member of the East Midlands Academic Health Science Network PPI Senate, providing a 'customer' perspective for new NHS research, initiatives, and treatments. With a strong social conscience and passionate belief in the NHS, he has been a member of Benenden Healthcare (the largest healthcare mutual in the UK) for many years. He undertakes voluntary work for the organisation, aiming to become the NHS partner of choice.